| Doc |

doc documentary editor vice cnn time wsj wall st journal emmy winning short form long form verite

The Price of Protest
EMMY NOMINATION, 2021 (Best Feature Story in Spanish)
(Editor, Co-Story Producer)

The Only Uyghur Restaurant in Massachusetts


Black Lives Matter Greater NY Wants Radical Change
(Editor, Co-Story Producer)

On Strike For Hazard Pay and a Living Wage

Global Electric Vehicle Crucible
(Editor, Co-Story Producer, Audio Mix)

Life in Graffiti: Daniel Anguilu
(Creative Direction, Edit, Story Producer, Motion GFX, Sound Design, Music Selection)

Learning Pods Could Widen the Education Gap
(Editor, Co-Story Producer)

What Reopening Schools During COVID Really Looks Like

Emptying College Towns Desperately in Need of Students
(Editor, Co-Story Producer)

Toyota’s Human Support Robot
(Editor, Co-Story Producer)

Life of Design: Katie Gong
(Creative Direction, Edit, Story Producer, Motion GFX, Sound Design, Music Selection)

A Ramadan Celebration in Animal Crossing
(Editor, Co-Story Producer)

Skin Hunger (Film) – (Request link for viewing)
(Editor, Story Producer, Audio Mix)

South Sudan Just Ended Its Civil War

A Place To Call Home
(Editor, Co-Story Producer)

Confessions of a Chinese Fentanyl Trafficker
(Pre-Viz Creative, Editor, Co-Story Producer)

Is Gun Reform In New Zealand Working

The Race for the Coronavirus Cure
(Pre-Viz Creative, Edit)

The Military’s #MeToo Moment

Inside the World’s Largest Edible Insect Factory
(Editor, Co-Story Producer)

LGBT Youtuber’s Lawsuits Against Google
(Editor, Co-Story Producer)

Film/TV Prop Artist: Doug Wright
(Creative Direction, Edit, Story Producer, Motion GFX, Sound Design, Music Selection)

A Soldier’s Murder is Changing How the Military Handles Sexual Assault
(Editor, Co-Story Producer)

ICE Still Holding Detainees It Could Release

Feral Mountain Co.: Jimmy Funkhauser
(Creative Direction, Edit, Story Producer, Motion GFX, Sound Design, Music Selection)

